Well hello there!
My name is Oliver, or Ollie, or Olly, but certainly not Oli.
I'm a 24 year old illustrator and writer residing in the city of Coventry in the UK, creating and imagining with my fluffy woof Cooper by my side, my most notable work thus far being the illustration of two lovely children's books themed around the city of Coventry, which are on sale in several stores in the city, including our Waterstones (see below for my cheese smile)!

I complete the biggest part of my work on my iPad Pro, mostly using the ProCreate app combined with my Apple Pencil, before then taking the piece over to PhotoShop for the finishing touches. They make quite the creative team! Not only do I love creating digitally, but I love to keep a daily journal for sketches and thoughts - wherever I am, a notebook and pencil are never far from hand!
In 2019 I graduated from Coventry University, earning myself a degree in Illustration & Animation despite the passing of my father that same year.
Most of the work I do feels like it's for my dad and I wish that I could show him it all... He really loved it.
To keep up with me and my daily life as a creative and all-round goof, click the Instagram link below and follow my page!